Entremont Raclette cookie

Entremont Raclette cookie
4 serves
Preparation time : 40 minutes / Cooking time : 30 minutes


  • 150g flour
  • 100g soft butter
  • 150g Raclette cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp fennel seeds
  • 1 tsp sunflower seeds
  • 1 tsp flax seeds
  • Salt and pepper


Cut the Raclette cheese into small cubes, lightly flour them, and put them in the freezer.

In a bowl, mix the flour and seeds and season. Rub in the butter. Once rubbed in, add the cubes of Raclette cheese, stir, and add the egg. Form a ball with the dough and knead lightly until homogeneous.

Roll out the dough into a 1 cm thick rectangle. Pre-cut squares like a chocolate bar.

Bake for 20 minutes at 180°C until the cookie is golden brown. Serve warm and eat with friends!


Photo credit: Stéphanie Iguna@Geekandfood 

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